Fabrice Gray, 2020
To the Editor:
Re “High School Spaces: Detrimental and Dividing?”
The IB is one of the most rigorous educational programs in the world for high-schoolers. As juniors who are in the midst of this program (writing EE’s and IA’s), taking at least 3 highers and standards, doing extra-curricular activities, standardized testing, college prep, and applications, we need Davies as a hub for us to operate. We also need Davies as a hub for rest and quiet. I have been at the upper campus since 6th grade and I am now a junior. I have waited patiently for Davies without any issues and I have never complained once. Many people need to understand that Davies is the IB hub and upperclassmen need it to be for ourselves. We don’t want to encourage division but we do encourage a having a haven for those struggling with so much work (upperclassmen). We ask that all those not able to enter Davies to respect that and just know that very soon it will be yours. Please wait for your turn. When you are an upperclassmen, you will understand. Furthermore, we don’t appreciate being attacked as people that yell at underclassmen for being in a place that they should not be in.
Peace. Love. Happiness.
Fabi G