Spice in the White House
Sean ‘Spicy’ Spicer has been at the center of multiple memes, skits, and articles since the Trump reign, where his well tempered and professional actions have been taken and polished to portray his true colors. From fake news to alternative facts, is there no place this man, no myth, no legend will go?
Spicer was born in Manhasset, New York and grew up in the small town of Barrington, RI. As an only child and the son of an insurance agent, he was destined for greatness from the start.
When he was in high school, Spicer would often volunteer local political campaigns, for his mayor for example, and did the same throughout college. Who would’ve thought he would be working with the future president of the United States just a few decades later?
At Connecticut College, Spicer wrote a very heated paper to his school’s newspaper urging that the school’s new anti-smoking campaign not to tamper with smoking during exams. When he was cited as “Sean Sphincter” he wasn’t too happy with it. It’s speculated that this is where his rough relationship with the media began.
His road to the White House was any small town republican’s dream. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in government, Spicer became the U.S navy reserve as a public affairs officer.
Today Spicer is the White House press secretary and has been tearing it up…literally. With a rough start being an understatement, Spicer has had a lot to deal with and the ‘lying’ media too.
His first press conference being possibly the worst one ever by anyone would be the first example of his hardships. President Trump said that “The field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people.” This was false information, but like a loyal puppy Spicer swooped in and stated that “[The inauguration] was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period.”
Spicer has even been tasked to handle the tough incidents such as the “direct attack on the president” by Nordstrom just like any hero would. While many press secretaries have to answer tough questions, Spicer goes above and beyond and deals with these drastic incidents.
Maybe the big man isn’t cut out for it, one may wonder, maybe Spicer seems to forget that he is the “spokesman for the entire United States” as Washington Post author Chris Cillizza puts it. Maybe he should even “resign as White House press secretary” as The Hill believes.
Well, fear not for Spicer’s actions dismiss any speculation. In a recent conference, Spicer even went out of his way to re-educate journalists who were out of control, “We’re going to raise our hands like big boys and girls,” Spicer said. Legen-dary.
James Bourke, a history teacher, and small time political analyst, had the following about Spicer, “[Sean Spicer] has had a pretty confrontational relationship with the media…I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t last the full four years”.
Spicer is driven by his desire to prove that he’s loyal to Trump.
Spicer is indeed loyal, protecting President Trump at all costs from any and all. President Trump has been dishing many things out and like any good waiter, Spicer has been collecting them, dismissing any absurdities as “alternative facts.”
With two months almost having passed since the inauguration, it’s no surprise that he has been already been the valued inspiration of an SNL sketch that could “dial it back a bit” as he would put it, but has so far been a fan favorite.
According to many in fact, what she says sticks pretty close to what he really said. She’s even becoming someone who people think of when Sean Spicer is said. The W.I.S director of marketing and communications recently said that she’s, “seen more of Melissa Mccarthy than Spicer this whole time.”
All in all, though, it could’ve been worse. Trump could’ve easily put a five-year-old up on the booth but then again the child may get angered easily, avoid tough questions, and reject reporters all together, so a bullet was really dodged there.
Spicer has really proved himself to…someone and that is more than we can say for some other people in the Trump cabinet.
Going from somebody that “[nobody] had really heard of before Trump” as James Bourke would put it, to someone that people can get enough of, Sean Spicer has become a person no one will be forgetting anytime soon.
By-Nico Vallada