Mr Beck is the Dean of Students, a prominent figure here in the Middle School. The MS News Crew wanted to get a closer look at what this job means as well as a glimpse into his personal and family life.
As many of us know, family is a huge part of Mr Beck’s life. He has a son Maddox and is married to one of the Upper School science teachers. The News Crew wanted to find out what it is like after he leaves school.
News Crew: Tell us about Maddox? – What is he really like
Mr. Beck: As many of you know Maddox is the pride and joy of my life. He is a transport aficionado, playing with planes, trains, and automobiles. “His first word was car.”. Walking outside he will identify any of these transport elements, even construction cranes, which is another one of his favorite things. He is also an avid Bob the Builder fan. As he grows up he is getting more and more energetic and interested in the world around him, he seems to be taking after me.
News Crew: Where are you “from”? – What do you consider home
Mr. Beck: Home is Pacific Grove, California, a tiny coastal town near Monterrey. There are tons of historical buildings as well as the oldest operating lighthouse on the west coast! I lived in the same house for 15 years and I visit as often as possible. One of my most vivid memories is falling asleep to the foghorn and being afraid of the sea beast lurking in the waters just outside the house. Eventually I would like to move back with Maddox and Ms Beck, but for now my extensive sweatshirt and bumper sticker collection will have to do for my NorCal pride.
News Crew: Do you have a favorite activity to do with your family? – Describe it
Mr. Beck: With both of mine and Ms Beck’s background as musicians, it’s no surprise that music is a big family activity. As a family we play but, I also listen to a lot of music personally. Maddox will often join in dancing and singing. Another family favorite for Maddox (and me too) is a trip to the nearby astro-turf field. Maddox can run around and do almost anything, and together we can play family games.
Aside from family Mr Beck is human, so he has many personal hobbies and interests. The News Crew asked him a few questions about this.
News Crew: We’ve heard you have a background as a musician? – What instrument do you play
Mr. Beck: I love music, and my passion is bass as well as the guitar. My first real musical experience was when I was in high school, I played music with my friends and we formed a band. It didn’t last very long, but since then I have always been playing music. While teaching all over the world, I formed a country music band in Beijing and played in a funk band in Sao Paulo. It is one of the ways I get to know people, even some of my students. My first teaching job I had instruments in the classroom, and some students would come in during lunch and break to play!
Check out this awesome video of Mr Beck and his funk band in Sao Paulo
News Crew: Are you a die-hard fan of any sports team? – How do you celebrate if that team wins
Mr. Beck: As you probably know I am a dedicated Oakland Raiders fan. I am also a Cubs fan, and it was one of the greatest things in my life to watch them win the World Series after 108 years of losing. I celebrated my going to my grandfather’s grave, who was a huge Cubs fan as well, and remembered watching the games with him. Right now it is easy because Maddox watches everything with me, but I am worried he is going to come home one day and be Broncos fan. Then we will have a problem.
News Crew: When Ms Beck and Maddox aren’t around, what do you like to do to relax? – Name one thing
Mr. Beck: I spend a lot of my free time doing work related business, it ends up being pretty time consuming. I try to leave time though for reading, especially the news which is something I do in the morning and again in the evening. I like to stay informed. Walking is another thing I am trying to do more of, to get better exercise.
Most of us see Mr Beck on the field and standing near the grill line, but what does he spend the rest of his day doing? The News Crew was determined to find out more about his work life and role as the Dean of Students.
News Crew: What was your favorite international posting and/or teaching job aside from WIS obviously? – Why
Mr. Beck I have taught at many really cool schools and in many interesting places. My favorite has to be the American School of Madrid. I was able to be a part of so many new things the school was planning, even initiating some of my own ideas. It was such a thoughtful and fun experience, where I learned so much.
News Crew: How are you liking your new role as dean of students? – Are their any major challenges that you face
Mr. Beck: My role as the Dean of Students is fascinating, and I am always learning new things. Everyday comes with it’s own set of challenges, but the biggest is dealing with students who make mistakes. Everyone does at some point or another, but I want the student to actually learn from it for the future. The job is very rewarding, but pretty touch at points.
News Crew: Is their 1 major change you would like to see to the MS? – If so what
Mr. Beck: There are many things I would like to change about the MS, but there’s one thing coming up that I am super excited about. I can’t say too much about it, but we are going to be starting…The House System!
Carole Geneix • Mar 13, 2017 at 12:41 pm
This is excellent! Congratulations! Thank you for bringing Dateline to our mailbox. We want to see more.