Natalie Denney is a new Upper School Chemistry Teacher.
Denney grew up in Philadelphia. Her mother was a teacher. “When you’re in high school, nobody wants to be a teacher,” Denney said. But she is nonetheless happy with her choice.
Denney wasn’t sure she wanted to teach until she studied biochemistry and got a summer job. The Advanced Studies Program in New Hampshire was the summer job that “changed it all,” Denney said.
Denney got a degree in biochemistry but decided to teach chemistry as it was more gratifying. “I found out that I actually preferred the kind of theatrical, relational aspect of teaching,” said Denney.
Her first teaching job was an elementary school position in Costa Rica at a Peace-Corp style institution.
Denney has since taught in the D.C. area for around nine years.
She also loves being a 10th-grade advisor. “They’re the best, shoutout,” she said.
Outside of school, Denney loves to travel. Iceland and Israel were some of her favorite trips.
Denney also enjoys photography and music. “My sister and I do music together,” she said. “She’s really good, I just kind of sing along.”
She plays the guitar and took piano lessons when she was little. Her mother was adamant that her kids have a musical background. “She made us keep with it,” she said. Denney did end up quitting, and when she asked her mom why she was allowed to quit and her siblings weren’t, her mom responded, “you have a will of steel.”
Denney enjoys the band “Police Brothers.” “I like their stuff and I performed their pieces,” she shared.
Fun Fact: Denney used to be a trapeze artist.
By Jenna Loescher-Clark