Politics Club
To the Editor:
Re “Trump: The Modern-Day Hitler”
We have recently read the article entitled “Trump: The Modern-Day Hitler” in a club meeting and suffice it so say, we are disappointed. The article in question does not align with the morals that are supposed to be exhibited in the WIS community. WIS’ core values, clearly delineated on their website, include embracing “diverse cultures and viewpoints”. The article produces a toxic environment in which an entire side of the political spectrum cannot feel comfortable. By comparing the president of the U.S. to Adolf Hitler in any capacity, the author insinuates that any of Trump’s supporters are proponents of the mass xenophobia, anti-semitism, racism and cruelty that Hitler created in Nazi Germany. One’s political alignments, especially in this day and age, come down to a variety of factors which can include economics, federalism, taxation and others. For many voters, these are the only government actions that affect their day-to-day lives, so they vote for who they believe will best suit their needs. This was especially the case in the most recent election, in which a majority of voters chose Donald Trump because he seemed to them a better option than Hillary Clinton. The article, therefore, attacks conservatives as a whole, likening their choices in the past election to choosing Adolf Hitler, a man who’s evil must not even be described. Including the viewpoints of conservatives has been a continued challenge for WIS in the previous years and the number of students who actively share their right-wing beliefs is dwindling. Such an article continues to make conservatives feel unsafe in their school community, directly conflicting with what our school is supposed to stand for.
Politics Club