Columbia University, where the WIS Model United Nations club attended the Columbia Model United Nations Conference and Exposition (CMUNCE) from Jan. 12 to Jan. 15. This was the first in-person CMUNCE since 2020. (Naomi Breuer/International Dateline)
The upper school Model United Nations (MUN) club went to the first in-person Columbia Model United Nations Conference and Exposition (CMUNCE) since 2020. The conference was held from Thursday, Jan. 12 to Sunday, Jan. 15, at the Columbia University campus in New York City.
These students represented various nations, political or historical figures in their respective committee sessions, debating and working with other students from across the world to find solutions to the issues and crises they faced.
Outside of committee sessions, students had time to explore New York City and spend time with peers and new friends from the conference.
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By Naomi Breuer