The Red Devil brings spirit to the crowds cheering on the Boys and Girls Varsity soccer teams on Forza WIS day. At big sports events, the Devil usually makes appearances. (Naomi Breuer/International Dateline)
For the first time ever, Dateline sat down with the school mascot, the Red Devil himself, to answer WIS’s burning questions. Quotes have been edited for clarity.
What is your name and where are you from?
Well, my name is Devil and I’m from WIS. I was born in the gym. I emerged from hell to the gym.
What’s hell like?
Hell is… it’s okay. That’s why I mostly chill up here, because it gets pretty dark down there. That’s why I bring the energy. It’s too dark all the time. I like to be positive.
What do you do on a day-to-day basis?
I live with the PE teachers. They keep me in their room. And I am always working out 24/7. And then if I’m not, I’m on the field.
What’s your workout routine? Everyone wants to know how you got those abs.
My workout routine is at least 5000 pushups, 5000 situps, and 5000 pullups.
How long did it take you to get those abs?
It took me about a day.
What is your favorite building at WIS?
My favorite building is probably the AAA Building because [of] the energy. When I’m at assemblies, it’s just great energy and you get to see a lot of people.
What is your favorite thing about WIS?
I’d say definitely the people. The people are really great and really nice. The teachers are really great. The sports are great, especially soccer. This year, we’ve been really good and really strong.
How did you get this job?
It just happened. I don’t know when, I don’t know how. One time I wore it, and I just was the Devil.
What’s your favorite shop on Connecticut Avenue?
My favorite shop? Well, I don’t really buy things, but I do eat a lot. So I’d probably say either Vace or Fresh Med. That’s my go-to.
So, how much does the Devil eat in a day?
Oh, I eat at least 10,000 calories in a day.
What’s it like on hot days in that suit?
It’s pretty awful. It’s a lot of sweating. But you know, people are great, so it’s fun.
Do you know if the suit gets cleaned?
I don’t think it does. It doesn’t get cleaned. All we do [is] spray Lysol, and we hope for the best. Last time I put it on, it had red face paint inside and my face was covered in red.
What’s the energy like at games?
It’s pretty great. Especially the little kids, they fist bump you a lot, high-five you. Those are the big supporters. It’s cool to be with other kids too.
Do people treat you differently when you’re in the suit? What’s it like?
Oh yeah. Everybody looks at me when I’m in the suit. It’s weird, but it’s cool at the same time. And then it’s weird when I take it off and nobody stares at you. I walk down [in the suit] and parents are like, “What is that? What is going on?”
Do you have any fun anecdotes from something that people have said to you while you’re in your costume?
I remember I was getting changed and the sixth-grade boys are getting ready, and literally, I had to high-five and dab up everyone one of them. It was so much. Also, my friend rode on my back, which was fun.
Do you have any rivalries with other school mascots?
Not at the moment, but hopefully in the near future I’ll meet another mascot.
Is it ever weird to be the Devil when WIS plays against religious schools?
Yeah, I always have like this feeling [of], “Is this a little controversial for some people?” It’s whatever. I mean, I don’t think anybody is offended by it.
What’s been your favorite Red Devil TikTok?
Oh, that’s a tough one. There were a lot of the good ones. I think the best one to film was the Mansion bathroom one. That was a lot of fun. That’s probably my favorite.
We saw you dancing in one of the TikToks. What’s your go-to dance move?
Probably a cartwheel because it’s more appealing, but also I can still do it in the costume. Most dances are harder [in the suit], especially when you’re wearing the cape and the tail. It’s a lot of weight.
Where did the Devil learn how to dance so well?
The Devil was just born to dance. He just always had it in him. It’s in his DNA.
By Naomi Breuer